Let’s talk about those sweet little baby tummies. Judah had some tummy troubles early on. He wasn’t colicky or sick, however, he spit up after almost every feeding and had some gas pain. Apparently, these things are pretty common among newborns and there isn’t much you can do to sooth them. After research, talking with our pediatrician, and plenty of trial and error, we found a few things that worked for us. We found a few tricks that soothed Judah’s little tummy and helped him keep his food down.

#1 Baby Probiotics

Our pediatrician suggested this to us. We were informed that not only will this help his tummy, but the probiotics are great for his immune system and overall wellness. Judah has had a daily probiotic supplement everyday of his life since he was about one month old. I should mention, we have tried a few different brands and our faves are the Simple Truth from Kroger and the Infants Mylicon brand from Amazon.

#2 Rice Cereal in the Bottle

Our pediatrician also recommended (for the spit up) trying some rice cereal in his bottle. We started this when he was around three months old, and it WORKED. He went from spitting up at almost every feeding to about twice a day. Big win! If your baby is having trouble keeping their milk down, I recommend talking to your baby’s doctor, and asking them about adding rice cereal. *Side note* When our pediatrician recommended the rice cereal she also suggested that we make him sit upright for at least 15 minutes after each feeding. Worked wonders!

#3 TummyGize

We love our oils! This oil blend is already diluted. I noticed a huge difference in Judah when we introduced this oil to his bedtime routine. So much so that some days, I would use it every other diaper change. I put one drop in his belly button and rubbed it across his tummy. This blend contains spearmint oil, peppermint oil, tangerine oil, fennel oil, ginger oil, and other essential oils meant to help support the body’s digestive and immune systems. this essential oil blend helped us get through those fussy newborn nights.

These are a few tricks that worked for us. Judah felt much better once these were implemented into his daily routine. I would recommend these things to any new mama out there. What are some tricks that have worked for you and your baby?

I can’t say enough about these Young Living oils and products! They are amazing! Being a mommy has made me realize how important it is to have chemical-free, plant based tools.

Are you ready to start your oily journey? Some of the oils I mentioned are a part of the 12 oils that come in the starter kit, plus other goodies and a diffuser! It also enrolls you as a wholesale member which gives you 24% off retail prices on future orders. If you order with me, I always include a welcome bag of freebies, and give you access to exclusive educational groups. You don’t have to sell AT ALL! You can choose to just be in love with the oils, and buy them for you and your family. OR you can choose to sell just by sharing your love for oils and get a PAYCHECK! If you decide you want to, I’ll give you FREE coaching to help you get started on your journey!

Let me help you start something new! I would love to show you how to use your oils in your everyday life. Click the picture to get started.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. I am only sharing what worked for me!