One area of stress for new moms is milk supply. For me, it took a few days for my supply to come in, and it lead to some issues. Check out my story with breastfeeding here. I needed to find a natural way to increase my supply to make sure Judah was getting all the food he needed. What I did made my supply jump from 4 ounces every pump, to 8-10 ounces every pump! Crazy, right?! These are the products that helped me achieve my goal:

  1. Fennel and Basil Blend

As you know, I love essential oils! I did some research on what oils are helpful in milk production and lactation. I discovered that Fennel and Basil have some pretty amazing benefits. So I decided to give it a shot. I took a glass roller bottle, filled it with V6 carrier oil (I also love using coconut oil for this), and put 20 drops of fennel and 15 drops of basil. I started rolling it on my chest and under my arms before every pump. I also took 3 drops of each in a vegetable capsule orally twice a day (make sure the brand of oils you are using are safe to ingest). I, very quickly, saw amazing results!

  1. Vitality Drops

When you have a new baby, it can be so easy to forget to stay hydrated. I remember having to set an alarm for myself on my phone to remind myself to drink more water. That’s pretty bad, I know…but it worked! I noticed that when I would drink more water, I would produce more. So, I drank a glass of water after every feeding! I even drank Gatorade Zero and other electrolyte drinks to help keep up my electrolytes. This was until I found a product that was a huge game changer in this area: YL Vitality Drops!! Young Living came out with an electrolyte supplement that you can add to your water. It is free of chemicals and preservatives. It is lightly sweetened with stevia leaf extract and is infused with essential oils: lemon and lavender. (They have other flavors as well) It tastes delicious and I drink at least one a day to help boost hydration. 

  1. Ningxia Red

I cannot say enough about this stuff. My family uses this product for so many things and we all three use it daily. I read somewhere that women who were nursing saw a significant difference in their supply while adding this supplement into their daily diet. I was already taking it when I read this but decided to experiment for myself. I went a few days without drinking my fave red juice, and I noticed a huge difference. It is also safe for Judah! He is five months old, and with approval from his nurses and pediatrician, I give him a little splash in one of his bottles of milk every day to help give him an extra immunity boost. I highly recommend Ningxia Red! 

  1. A Good Pump

The last product I recommend is a nice pump. When Judah was born we had to spend a little extra time in the hospital because of feeding issues (Read more about that here). The main issue boiled down to the fact that my milk had not come in. So while I was there a nurse brought me a pump and I got busy! I learned quickly that taking time to pump, even though I was trying to exclusively breastfeed, helped my milk supply finally come in. One more thing – not all pumps are created equal. You get what you pay for. Make sure you get something that gets the job done! I’m sure there are many great ones out there but here’s the one I use and love.

I can’t guarantee that every momma’s supply will do the same as mine. However, when something works for me, I have to share! Tell me in the comments what helps boost your supply!


Let me help you start something new! I would love to show you how to use your oils in your everyday life! Click the picture to get started!

Disclosure: I am not a doctor. This information is not meant to treat or cure any illness or disease. This is simply a list of products that worked for me.