Ya’ll know that I love my oils! I use them for so many things––I even used them for labor and delivery. I showed up to the hospital with my oil bag stocked up, and ready to go! I am so excited to share with you what I used and what worked for me! All of these products are chemical free and plant based.

1. Getting labor started – Clary Sage

The day of my induction, I diffused and applied Clary Sage topically. Clary Sage helped moved things along. Side note: When I went in for my induction my water broke as soon as we checked into the hospital. True story! 

2. Perineum Care – ClaraDerm Spray

This spray contains fractionated coconut oil, Myrrh, Tea Tree, Lavender, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, and Helichrysum oil. These oils are blended together to help soothe dry, chapped, or itchy skin. At 32 weeks into my pregnancy, I began to spray this on my perineum once a day. At 36 weeks, I began to spray it twice a day. I am happy to say that I did not tear or have to have an episiotomy. Praise the Lord! 

3. Pain Management – Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream 

During labor, I had intense contractions. The labor pains surged through my back. Not fun. Thankfully, my mom took my Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream and rubbed it on my back. My, oh my! That helped so much! It works so fast, and helped me manage pain up until I dilated to a seven. I call this a win!

4. Diffusing –  Joy, Lavender, Purification

While I labored in the hospital room, we kept the diffuser going. We diffused Joy to help boost energy and mood, not just for us but also for the hospital staff. I did not want any negativity going on while bringing my baby into the world. We diffused Lavender to help keep us in a calm state. I wanted to feel like I was having a baby in a spa. We diffused Purification to help keep the air clean and pure. This oil blend is designed for keeping air fresh, clean and eliminate odors. 

5. Courage – Valor blend 

As a first time mom, I did not know what to expect. Even though I was so excited to meet our sweet Judah, I also had some nerves. I rolled Valor on my heart and inhaled it for a boost of courage. 

I used more oils and products during my labor and delivery, but these are the top products I recommend. Next week, I will share about the oils that I used for postpartum care. Pregnant mommas, what are you most looking forward to about your birth story? 


Let me help you start something new! I would love to show you how to use your oils in your everyday life! Click the picture to get started!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. I am only sharing what worked for me! Always consult your OBGYN about any concerns you have