If you are a parent, then you know what it is like to take care of a teething baby. If you are a new parent, like me, then you are in for a treat. Haha! I have always heard stories about the teething months, but now that I am experiencing it for myself, I realize that I underestimated how challenging it can be.  There are days when Judah is a happy, adventurous, normal baby. Then, days when he is teething, are days that he fusses and refuses to be laid down. Those days can be rough for all of us! I have tried so many tricks to help smooth this process for Judah and Caleb and I. These are the five tricks that have worked for us, and I hope they help you.

#1 RaZbaby RaZberry Teething Paci

Judah loves this teether! It is hands-free and easy to clean. This teether allows him to chew on it while he plays or walks around in his walker. We attach it to a pacifier clip, and attach that to him, so he can pick it up and chew away as he needs it.

#2 Teething Amber Necklace

This is necklace is not for chewing, but for simply wearing. By wearing this necklace, Judah can naturally be exposed to the healing properties of amber. Baltic amber necklaces have the highest content of succinic acid (4-8%) – a natural remedy ingredient. I don’t know exactly how it works, but Judah seems to do better on the days he wears his. Just make sure to read the safety instructions.

#3 Copaiba Vitality Essential Oil

When Judah show signs of discomfort, I apply this oil to Judah’s gums by massaging it in. This trick works fast! I do this multiple times a day, and would say this is the best trick I have. I keep a roller cap on it for quick and easy access. We use Young Living’s oils because we trust in their purity and safety.

#4 Frankincense Essential Oil

I rub this oil on the outside of Judah’s jawline. This oil has soothing, calming and wellness properties. I will also give him a drop of Frankincense Vitality oil orally as well. This combined with the Copaiba oil mentioned above, makes Judah a happy baby.

#5 Stress Away Essential Oil Blend

This oil is for you momma! When Judah is teething, it can be hard on me as well as him. On his rough teething days, I get nothing accomplished, no sleep, and sometimes nothing to eat. So, I roll on this oil to help ease the stress. I think every momma needs this oil!

Along with these five tricks, I must also add snuggles. Snuggle your babies as much as you can. I find that when Judah is hurting, all he wants is to be in mine or Caleb’s arms. So we gladly oblige! These days are not easy, but I have learned to embrace them. Our babies are only this little once, so we must embrace every snuggle. We must also embrace advice from other mommas, who have had success. So tell me, what teething tricks have worked for you?


I can’t say enough about these Young Living oils and products! They are amazing! Being a mommy has made me realize how important it is to have chemical-free, plant based tools.

Are you ready to start your oily journey? Some of the oils I mentioned are a part of the 12 oils that come in the starter kit, plus other goodies and a diffuser! It also enrolls you as a wholesale member which gives you 24% off retail prices on future orders. If you order with me, I always include a welcome bag of freebies, and give you access to exclusive educational groups. You don’t have to sell AT ALL! You can choose to just be in love with the oils, and buy them for you and your family. OR you can choose to sell just by sharing your love for oils and get a PAYCHECK! If you decide you want to, I’ll give you FREE coaching to help you get started on your journey!

Let me help you start something new! I would love to show you how to use your oils in your everyday life. Click the picture to get started.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. I am only sharing what worked for me!