I need to talk about an intimate subject: prayer. Specifically praying for my husband. This may seem like a “no-brainer”. Of course we, wives, pray for our husbands. Duh! 

However, if you are human, and a busy woman, things as foundational as praying for your husband can sometimes slip through the cracks. Isn’t it enough to just think good thoughts about them all day? No! As a wife, it is a very special and important responsibility I (we) have to pray for Caleb (our husbands) each and every day. I cannot afford to let it slip through the cracks. We can not afford it, ladies. 

James 5:16 says, “Therefore confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” 

Let me explain. Our men, like ourselves, are chosen of God and have an important calling to serve Jesus. They, also like we, have a calling to be the salt of the earth. If we are their number one supporters, we must go to our prayer closet and get our praying on! Like the scripture says, our righteous prayers are powerful and effective. Here are the 12 things that I pray over Caleb daily. (Men, you should also be praying for your wives, so this list may be helpful for you as well.) 

  1. That all of his needs are met.
  2. That he is blessed.
  3. That he would be a blessing to everyone he comes into contact with.
  4. That he would experience the Love of God to the fullest.
  5. That he would be full of wisdom.
  6. That he would be full of grace for others and himself.
  7. That he would be full of The Word of God and full of faith.
  8. That he would be discerning, and hear the Lord’s voice clearly.
  9. That the Lord would keep him from temptation and deliver him from every plan and snare of the enemy.
  10. That he would be inspired and motivated to walk out his calling. 
  11. That God would bless him with divine creativity.
  12. That he would be successful and fruitful.
  13. Lastly, that the Lord would mood Caleb into exactly the man God desires him to be. 

I use this list everyday, and I am always adding to it. Some things I add permanently and some are situational. I believe that this is an important ritual and a huge privilege. I’m blessed to be his wife, and blessed to be the one who gets to support my man of God. Also, I am always looking for new ways to add to that support. What are some things that you pray for your husband?