I have learned so many tricks over the years on how to make my own toxin-free household items. It’s cheap, safe, and fun! 

First, let’s educate ourselves on the chemicals many currently use in their homes. Here are some things I found in my research.

Did you know that, “Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment. Only a fraction of these have been tested for human toxicity. We are, by default, conducting a massive clinical toxicology trial, and our children and their children are the experimental animals.” [Source: Herbert L. Needleman, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Raising Children Toxic Free]

Also, according to the Consumer Protection Agency, 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. And don’t forget… “Of the chemicals found in personal care products: 884 are toxic, 146 cause tumors, 218 cause reproductive complications, 778 cause acute toxicity, 314 cause biological mutations, 376 cause skin and eye irritations” [Source: United States House of Representatives Report, 1989].

There are so many more facts on this. Click the link below for another blog containing a more detailed list. https://www.google.com/amp/s/bestofmotherearth2012.wordpress.com/2009/04/28/toxic-household-chemical-facts-and-statistics/amp/

I share this to say it is so important to protect our families from these harmful chemicals and go back to our roots. No pun intended. My family and I use as many plant-based products in our home as we can. Specifically, we use essential oils for almost everything. In the Bible, oils are mentioned 77 times. Woah! Two different types of oils were brought to Jesus as a baby. 

If it worked for baby Jesus it works for me! Here are some of our favorite DIYs:

Shower cleaner:

Take a scrubber dish wand. Put two capfuls of Thieves All Purpose Cleaner and a skirt of Thieves Dish Soap into the wand. Then, fill rest with warm water. Shake it up and scrub away. I keep mine in my shower for quick easy use.

Stain remover:

If I get a tough stain, I rinse with cold water, then apply a capful of Thieves cleaner. I let that soak for about 2-3 minutes and then scrub. If it needs some extra power, I will add Thieves dish soap with a drop of Lemon essential oil.

Bye Bye Goo:

Have you ever bought an adorable mug from TJ Max and once you removed the price tag sticker, there was a ton of goo? Yuck! Well take your lemon oil and add a couple drops to the goo and scrub it away with your finger nail.  It works every time! 

Clean fruits and veggies:

Young Living makes an incredible fruit and veggie soak, but it you don’t have any on hand, try this trick! First, put your produce in a large bowl or the sink. Next, fill it with cold water, and add 5-10 drops of lemon essential oil (depending on the amount of produce) in the bowl. Let it soak for 5 minutes. Then drain the produce, quickly rinse, and voilà! 

Fabric Spray:

This fabric spray will not only make your linens smell amazing, but it also has health benefits. Take a glass spray bottle. Fill the bottle 3/4 with water and add a teaspoon of witch hazel. Next, add 20 drops of lavender oil, 30 drops of lemon oil or orange oil. In this recipe, you can mix it up. 

I could add so much more, but that will be another blog for another day. I hope you enjoy these recipes! What plant based household DIYs do you like to use? 

I can’t say enough about these Young Living oils and products! They are amazing! Being a mommy has made me realize how important it is to have chemical-free, plant based tools. Are you ready to start your oily journey? Some of the oils I mentioned are a part of the 12 oils that come in the starter kit, plus other goodies and a diffuser! It also enrolls you as a wholesale member which gives you 24% off retail prices on future orders. If you order with me, I always include a welcome bag of freebies, and give you access to exclusive educational groups. You don’t have to sell AT ALL! You can choose to just be in love with the oils, and buy them for you and your family. OR you can choose to sell just by sharing your love for oils and get a PAYCHECK! If you decide you want to, I’ll give you FREE coaching to help you get started on your journey! Let me help you start something new! I would love to show you how to use your oils in your everyday life. Click the picture to get started.