I had so much fun decorating Judah’s nursery! I found a theme and color scheme I liked, and started shopping. If you know me, I like to be frugal and thrifty. I hate to spend tons of money on things that I can thrift. When we were planning for Judah, we decided it was more important to spend more money on things like a baby monitor, car seat, and gear rather than decorative items. However, I still wanted his nursery to be fun and cute. Here is my strategy for decorating a cute nursery on a budget:

#1 Have a Plan

Never start a project without a plan. This is a perfect excuse to browse Pinterest! I remember I would search for themes and colors that I liked for Judah’s room, save them to a private board, and plan.

#2 Research and Purchase: Staple Pieces

Once you have a decorative plan in place, it’s time to focus on the staple pieces, like the crib and furniture, in your baby’s room. I, first, like to research online to see what the competitors are pricing each item. Once you know all of your online price options, it’s time to go shop! I like to look for things like furniture at Bargain Hunt, Target and even thrift stores. Of course you can always go to a furniture store, but these places are my go-to’s for a good deal.

#3 Research and Purchase: Specific “Must-Haves”

These are those items that you dream of in your baby’s room. This could be specific sheets, wall decor, etc. For me, I wanted a small white stacked shelf, a picture of a cactus, and shelf to display Judah’s vintage books. Those were my “must-haves”. So, for these items I searched online for where I could get the best deal. Hobby Lobby was the place to go! I got all three of these items there and since they were all “wall decor”, and they were running a sale, I got them all for 50% off. Woo! So, keep your eyes out for sales. My golden rule when I am decorating is to always Take a trip to Hobby Lobby.

#4 Extras! Time to thrift.

Now let’s talk about fillers and other decorative pieces. I remember my mom and I would go thrifting almost every weekend to hunt for little pieces for Judah’s room. We found cute things like a vintage mirror, lamp, baskets, books, and knickknacks. I found a wooden-milk glass lamp for under $10! Thrifting is the way to go, friends. my favorite thrift store is K.A.R.M. (Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries). I do go to Goodwill, Salvation Army, and other local shops, but my best finds have been at various K.A.R.M. Stores.

I hope these steps have inspired you to decorate a cute nursery and save some money! What are some thrifty tips you have? Comment below!