Have you ever been in a place of waiting? I have. Have you ever been impatient? I have. Have you ever known in your heart God’s will for your life but you would love for the process to just “speed up” a little? I have! Maybe you are believing for a job, a spouse, or an opportunity of some kind. What promise from God are you waiting on?

Various seasons in my life have shown me the faithfulness of God, and I know from experience that His promises are “yes and amen”. I am blown away by the love of God and how He cares for His children. However, sometimes I struggle with making sense of His timing. Have you ever been there? I mean, I can be standing firm in my faith, praying the scriptures, getting the elders to agree, speaking continuous truth over the situation, but nothing seems to budge.

A Word I Didn’t Like

I remember one time at The Lift Church when Pastor Keith, my spiritual dad, prayed for me and said “in God’s timing…” I want to be honest here, at first, this made me angry. I was believing for my promise now. Later that night, as I prayed and meditated on that word, I was encouraged as joy filled my body. God began to reveal to me what Pastor Keith had spoken. I heard in my heart the Lord speaking to me that this thing that I desired so much was from Him and it was good. He revealed that He would give it to me, in His time, and that was a good thing. (Side note: This isn’t saying that every desire that I have had has been a good or “God” desire, this is something, I believe, God will show you.) He revealed to me in that moment that this would require a process. It is a good thing that God has a process. Process is so good for us. I am not going to take time to talk about “the process” today, because that is an entire blog in itself. I want to focus on timing.

Please read the entire chapter on Ecclesiastes 3 in your own time, it will bless you! For now, I want to focus on this passage,

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.” Ecclesiastes 3:11-14 NIV

This is wisdom. What good does it do to worry and stress? I want to be so fully satisfied by God’s presence that I have no worry about what is coming down the road. I love the fact that when it is God’s timing, it is truly “beautiful” and a “gift” from Him. Also, when God gives you a gift, “nothing can be taken from it”. Wow! We must learn the power of patience and trust in the Lord!

Gaining Strength

It is still not easy to be “in waiting” or “in a process”, but it is God’s plan and it is good. I am learning how to trust Him more, and worship while I wait. I just ponder about what is ahead that will require the strength that I am gaining today.  It is truly glorious! I know that thing that I desire is coming soon. For now, I will just smile and know, timing is everything.