3 Tricks for Baby Tummy Troubles

3 Tricks for Baby Tummy Troubles

Let’s talk about those sweet little baby tummies. Judah had some tummy troubles early on. He wasn’t colicky or sick, however, he spit up after almost every feeding and had some gas pain. Apparently, these things are pretty common among newborns and there isn’t much...
Teething: How We Survive

Teething: How We Survive

If you are a parent, then you know what it is like to take care of a teething baby. If you are a new parent, like me, then you are in for a treat. Haha! I have always heard stories about the teething months, but now that I am experiencing it for myself, I realize that...
Confessions of a Working Mom

Confessions of a Working Mom

I am a working mama. I didn’t choose this scenario, but I choose to make the best of it. I have a great job that I am so thankful for. However, when I first laid eyes on my little Judah, he became my mission, my ministry, and my number one job. I love being his mommy!...
Seven Tips for Newlyweds 

Seven Tips for Newlyweds 

Summer is such an exciting time, because it is “wedding season”. Some of my best friends are now engaged! A few of them have asked me what advice I would give them as they enter into their marriage. I always tell them that I am no expert on the topic, but...
You’re Losing These Three Things Because of Comparison

You’re Losing These Three Things Because of Comparison

Together In the book of Acts, there is a pattern of “togetherness.” For example, terminology such as: praying together, being together, holding everything in common, are phrases that are found all throughout the book from beginning to end. When we read the mighty...