Your New Postpartum Body

Your New Postpartum Body

SCROLL TO BOTTOM FOR VIDEO As mothers who deliver, once our bundle of joy arrives, our body changes. Changes that most women fear and find hard to accept. We go nine months, carrying and growing life inside of our body. Then, when the time comes, we labor and push a...
Healed of PCOS

Healed of PCOS

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a mom. I remember the conversations Caleb and I would have about our future children, and of course, that made me excited about the future. We decided to wait on children and enjoy our marriage for five years. Fast...
How I got Pregnant with PCOS

How I got Pregnant with PCOS

After I was diagnosed with PCOS, I decided to make some changes. With prayer, fasting, and some conversations with a nutritionist, we knew we needed to target the part of my body that was not doing what it was supposed to. If you know anything about PCOS, it is...
How to Soothe a Fussy Baby

How to Soothe a Fussy Baby

Do you have a fussy baby? Having trouble soothing that sweet, fussy baby? I had this same problem!  Judah for the first month of his life had some tummy troubles, which is normal for newborns. Around his second month we were able to knock out those tummy troubles (a...
Chemical-Free House Cleaning

Chemical-Free House Cleaning

Let’s talk about #Thieves!  We have replaced all of our cleaning products with this stuff right here! It’s chemical-free, plant-based, and full of essential oils!  You can safely clean countertops, toilets, glass (streak free) , floors, toys, floors,...