Selfless Love

Selfless Love

Love, love, love. Our generation loves the topic of love. We see it everywhere from the movies to music. We are obsessed with the idea of love. There is only one problem with this . . . We’re not living out love. I have been guilty of expecting people in my life to...
3 Areas To Guard While Waiting

3 Areas To Guard While Waiting

Have you ever heard that famous saying, “Good things come to those who wait?” Well, they were right, but what they didn’t tell you is waiting is also good. I want to encourage you today, and tell you that not only do good things come to those who wait, but the actual...


Hidden Behind the Filter   When I was younger, in middle school, I got picked on by some mean girls who were supposed to be my friends. I remember going home and crying almost every day telling no one of my pain. When time passed and I made better friends, I...