Pray for Your Man

Pray for Your Man

I need to talk about an intimate subject: prayer. Specifically praying for my husband. This may seem like a “no-brainer”. Of course we, wives, pray for our husbands. Duh!  However, if you are human, and a busy woman, things as foundational as praying for your husband...
The Power of Peace

The Power of Peace

Peace is not just a trendy word that hippies use. If you were to ask me a year ago what peace was, I would have told you the dictionary definition and gave you a peace sign with my hand. However, a recent experience has shown me what it really means to have peace....
Seven Tips for Newlyweds 

Seven Tips for Newlyweds 

Summer is such an exciting time, because it is “wedding season”. Some of my best friends are now engaged! A few of them have asked me what advice I would give them as they enter into their marriage. I always tell them that I am no expert on the topic, but...
You’re Losing These Three Things Because of Comparison

You’re Losing These Three Things Because of Comparison

Together In the book of Acts, there is a pattern of “togetherness.” For example, terminology such as: praying together, being together, holding everything in common, are phrases that are found all throughout the book from beginning to end. When we read the mighty...
Timing Is Everything

Timing Is Everything

Have you ever been in a place of waiting? I have. Have you ever been impatient? I have. Have you ever known in your heart God’s will for your life but you would love for the process to just “speed up” a little? I have! Maybe you are believing for a job, a spouse, or...
Do You Trust Me?

Do You Trust Me?

Psalm 18:2 “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust.” There has been an underlying theme that the Lord has been speaking to me for quite some time now, and I believe that He is also speaking it to His body. That...