Judah’s Birth: Part One

Judah’s Birth: Part One

First I want to say, if you haven’t read my blogs about my fertility journey, check them out! They are part of my whole story. ❤️ Day of Induction. On November 12, 2019, it was a Tuesday morning. We woke up to a winter wonderland. It had snowed all night. It felt like...
Pray for Your Man

Pray for Your Man

I need to talk about an intimate subject: prayer. Specifically praying for my husband. This may seem like a “no-brainer”. Of course we, wives, pray for our husbands. Duh!  However, if you are human, and a busy woman, things as foundational as praying for your husband...
The Power of Peace

The Power of Peace

Peace is not just a trendy word that hippies use. If you were to ask me a year ago what peace was, I would have told you the dictionary definition and gave you a peace sign with my hand. However, a recent experience has shown me what it really means to have peace....
Confessions of a Working Mom

Confessions of a Working Mom

I am a working mama. I didn’t choose this scenario, but I choose to make the best of it. I have a great job that I am so thankful for. However, when I first laid eyes on my little Judah, he became my mission, my ministry, and my number one job. I love being his mommy!...
Seven Tips for Newlyweds 

Seven Tips for Newlyweds 

Summer is such an exciting time, because it is “wedding season”. Some of my best friends are now engaged! A few of them have asked me what advice I would give them as they enter into their marriage. I always tell them that I am no expert on the topic, but...
My Breastfeeding Nightmare

My Breastfeeding Nightmare

Breastfeeding was one of the hardest things I have ever done. To be honest, we didn’t get to continue our journey for very long. Judah breastfed for the first week, but we fought each other every feeding. He would get so mad! He’d cry–then I would cry. It was so...