I am a working mama. I didn’t choose this scenario, but I choose to make the best of it. I have a great job that I am so thankful for. However, when I first laid eyes on my little Judah, he became my mission, my ministry, and my number one job. I love being his mommy! I have a new reason to go to work, so he can have everything he needs. It’s not easy, though. It’s so hard! It took me a couple of months to adjust. I don’t know if it will ever get easier, but it’s so worth it. I thought it would be fun, and maybe entertaining, to shed a light on the truth. 

Mama’s, these are my confessions: 

Confession #1 – I miss my baby.

Every second of every day. Sometimes, I cry, and that’s okay. 

Confession #2 – my house isn’t always clean, in fact it’s rarely clean.

Finding the time to clean house is hard. It’s even harder to choose between spending extra time with my baby and cleaning the house. Spending time with Judah wins every time. Any cleaning that happens is done when he goes to bed.

Confession #3 – I don’t take enough time to just relax. 

It’s true that I need more R&R time. I feel like it’s go, go, go most of the time. I need to be more intentional about making time to rest.

Confession #4 – I eat a lot of take out. 

Can I be honest? I hate cooking. I only cook about three times a week. It’s such a chore that takes up a lot of time with prep, cooking, and the cleaning. I know I’m embarrassing myself by admitting all of this, but the truth is we eat a lot of Cracker Barrel and Chinese take out.

Confession #5 – I fold laundry in the dark.

It’s true! When Judah goes to sleep, I get to folding. While he’s still is in our room, I literally shine my phone light at the pile of laundry and do my best. 

Confession #6 – I exercise on my lunch break.

Health and fitness is important to me. I knew I had to make time for it, so my lunch break it is! I walk to the gym and do a 45 minute work out, and walk back to the office. 

Confession #7 – On the weekends, I hog my baby.

I’m kind of sorry, but not too sorry, if I have been a baby hog. I only get so few hours with my little one. So on the weekends and week nights, he is all mine! I love letting others play with and hold him, but not for too long. I’m stingy with that bubba! 

Confession #8 – I drink way too much coffee.

We don’t sleep much between chores and early mornings. I don’t know what I would do without the bean juice. I have a habit of taking a morning walk to Starbucks to get a venti, iced, double-shot, with almond milk and caramel. Along with my oils, this keeps me awake and focused for the work day. 

Confession #9 – I would move mountains for my parents and in-laws.

I am so thankful for mine and Caleb’s parents. They rotate taking care of Judah for us while we go to work. Both sets of parents are amazing with Judah. We are blessed!

Confession #10 – I soak up every second with my boy.  

Time is more precious than ever now. Every time I am with my baby, I am intentional about soaking it all up. If I find myself ever taking it for granted, I fix it real fast. If you are a working mom, soak it all up! Don’t sweat the times you can’t make a home-cooked meal. Don’t sweat the house being messier than you would like. Don’t miss the big stuff because you’re overwhelmed by the small stuff.

I say all of this to encourage other working moms out there. I see you and I feel ya! Stay-at-homes, I see you too! We are strong.