Psalm 18:2 “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust.”

There has been an underlying theme that the Lord has been speaking to me for quite some time now, and I believe that He is also speaking it to His body. That theme is trusting Him. How can we trust the Lord to send revival if we cannot trust Him with our life, or even with the small things?

Many of you may know our story with infertility. (click here to check it out)

Through all of that confusion and pain, I heard the Lord gently speaking to me, “just trust me”. I thought that I had trusted Him. I mean, I sang songs about it, and talked about to everyone who needed to hear it, but did I really trust Him to take care of me? Did I trust that He would do what He said he would do. The truth is, I really didn’t trust Him fully. Deep down, I felt like maybe He didn’t want me to have kids, and I felt that He didn’t care about what I wanted. This was a lie from the enemy! The Lord does care about the desires of my heart and that included children. But more than any of that, He wanted me to trust Him, fully.

We cannot see the fullness of blessing that God has for us if we do not trust the Lord to take us there. Share on X

Remember, the enemy doesn’t want us to trust the Lord! It shouldn’t surprise us that the thing God wants us to have the most, is the number one thing the enemy assaults. He uses old tricks to get us to sway from trusting the Lord. He tries to get God’s children to doubt God’s trustworthiness. The enemy also tries to get God’s children to trust something besides God. 

The Lord took me on a journey. He used this difficult, yet crucial time in my life to help me grow. I am so grateful He did! Here are the key things that the Lord taught me in this season:


Do you spend quality time with the Lord? It is in that quality time with Jesus that makes us grow closer to Him. When we are intimate with Him, we can learn His heart and His desires for our life. Jesus gives us the perfect example in His relationship with the Father. He fasted and prayed for forty days in the wilderness building intimacy with the Father. He was also building dependence by emptying himself of his own strength, which leads me to the second element….


Do you depend on the Lord, or are you independent? Independence looks like you making all the decisions in your life without bringing things before the Lord. I have been guilty of this many times. But I learned that my source is not a person, job, or my abilities. He is our source in all things. When tough times come, we must remember who fights our battles. Remember  when David was faced with Goliath? “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” – (1 Samuel 17:37) That was a declaration of trust!


Are you at peace? Or are you anxious or frustrated? I can think of things that frustrate me. (I am a work in progress lol) Like being stuck in traffic making you late for work. How annoying! Or even bigger, what if you were laid off? What if your child gets sick? These things are frustrating and scary, right? Well, I would argue that what frustrates you most is where you trust God the least. We have to trust God with our jobs, children and our life. This means letting go. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” – Philippians 4:6

...what frustrates you most is where you trust God the least. Share on X

God always gives us a choice to trust Him, and He never forces our hand. He longs for a deeper intimacy with us and for us to be fully secure in His love. If you are going through a hard season of life right now, let me encourage you. God sees you and He wants you to come to Him for help. He wants you to grow and be all you can be for His kingdom! Just trust Him!

Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He SHALL bring it to pass” – Psalms 37:5

“Delay is not denial” – Keith Nix