Hello fellow readers! I have compiled a short list of books that I read while I was pregnant. Of course there were more, but these were my favorite! I have included links on each book to take you directly to the place you can purchase them. I hope they help you like they have helped me and continue to help me!

#1) What To Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff

This book (click here) kept me sane through each trimester. I say this jokingly, but with some truth to it. This book guides you through each stage of pregnancy so that you can be prepared and know what to expect along the way.

#2) Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern

This book is not just a good book (click here) to read during pregnancy but to read while your children are young as well. It is a reference guide for what essential oils to use during  pregnancy, delivery, and beyond. 

#3) Betsy Bosom’s Baby Book by Betsy Bosom and Lucy Libido

This is a great book (click here) to help incorporate essential oils into your pregnancy and into the fourth trimester. It has great tips and tricks on some natural remedies for pregnancy ailments as well. Great resource!

#4) 65 Promises From God for Your Child by Mike Shreve 

Caleb and I read a chapter from this book (click here) every night while I was pregnant with Judah. We still go back and read it as a declaration and prayer over him. This book is great for parenting at every stage of your child’s development. 

#5) Baby & Child Care by Paul C. Reisser, MD 

This one is our go to! Our pastors gave us this book and it’s one that Caleb and I keep referencing as we go. It has been so good so far in teaching us things about Judah’s development. It helps us with understanding things that Judah does, and helps with educating us on things that are normal and not normal. Very educational!

These are books that I still refer back to even now. I love to be educated and do my research, and I am always looking for new things to read! What are your favorite books on this topic?