After I was diagnosed with PCOS, I decided to make some changes. With prayer, fasting, and some conversations with a nutritionist, we knew we needed to target the part of my body that was not doing what it was supposed to. If you know anything about PCOS, it is basically an insulin issue. I tried the Keto diet, Metformin (not a natural solution), a liver cleanse, and some over the counter supplements. These things helped meet some of the hormonal needs in my body, but not consistently enough. For those of you that know me, I love my Young Living essential oils! I was using them regularly, but I didn’t do my research in this area. I decided to give them a go, and I seriously don’t know why I didn’t try these things sooner. Here are the oily products I used that supported my body the way I needed to get pregnant.

1. Progessence Plus essential oil

This oil targets the body’s hormones, particularly the hormone progesterone. I rubbed this oil on my ankles and abdomen twice a day.

2. EndoFlex essential oil

This oil helps balance and support the endocrine system. I rubbed this oil on my neck three times a day. 

3. SclarEssence Vitality essential oil

This oil supports hormones. It helps increase estradiol and testosterone levels. I rubbed this oil on my abdomen once a day. However, you can also take this one as a dietary supplement.

4. Clary Sage

This oil is also used to help with hormone imbalance. I used this oil by applying it to my abdomen and ankles twice a day. 

5. Ningxia Red drink 

This was by far the most effective essential oil product I used! I believe that this product was the product that God used to really correct my body’s hormone function. This drink is full of antioxidants! It contains essential oils, plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, pomegranate juices  and wolf berry. I drink 2 ounces everyday.

Ningxia Red comes in the Starter Kit with 12 other oils,  plus lots of other goodies and a diffuser! It also enrolls you as a wholesale member which gives you 24% off retail prices on future orders. If you order with me, I always include a welcome bag of freebies, and give you access to exclusive educational groups. You don’t have to sell AT ALL! You can choose to just be in love with the oils, and buy them for you and your family. OR you can choose to sell just by sharing your love for oils and get a PAYCHECK! There is never any pressure to to do this, but if you decided you wanted to, you get FREE coaching from myself!

Let me help you start something new! I would love to show you how to use your oils in your everyday life! Click the picture below to get started!