Do you have a fussy baby? Having trouble soothing that sweet, fussy baby? I had this same problem! 

Judah for the first month of his life had some tummy troubles, which is normal for newborns. Around his second month we were able to knock out those tummy troubles (a blog on that later). He became this sweet, content baby……until bedtime. All day he would be the perfect baby, until it was close to bedtime. We didn’t want to put him down too early, because that didn’t compliment our lifestyle and we didn’t want him to break his routine. So, we tried to find ways to soothe him, and even asked our pediatrician what to do. The pediatrician said that this was normal behavior, and it has a nickname, “the witching hour”. We hated the sound of that. 

One night, after his bath time, he was fussier than usual. He was screaming and had huge tears on his cute, little cheeks. So, I did what any oily mom would do. I grabbed the Peace and Calming oil off of my night stand, opened the oil, and stuck it under Judah’s nose. To our surprise (I don’t know why it still surprises us), he instantly stopped screaming, and fell right to sleep. And he slept the entire night!!! 

If you have a fussy baby, give it a try! We have now made a roller blend with this oil diluted so I can roll it directly on his skin. This product changed our life, and we just know it will change yours as well. This oil is included in the Premium Starter Kit! 

Peace and Calming is one of the 12 oils in the kit plus other goodies and a diffuser!! It also enrolls you as a wholesale member which gives you 24% off retail prices on future orders. If you order with me, I always include a welcome bag of freebies, and give you access to exclusive educational groups. You don’t have to sell AT ALL! You can choose to just be in love with the oils, and buy them for you and your family. OR you can choose to sell just by sharing your love for oils and get a PAYCHECK! There is never any pressure to to do this, but if you decided you wanted to, you get FREE coaching from myself!

Let me help you start something new! I would love to show you how to use your oils in your everyday life! Click the picture to get started!