Hey friends! I have recently been asked by a few of you about what books I recommend. I love to grab a cup of coffee and curl up with a good book. I have so many favorites, so I thought I would just compile a short list of the top books that I read in 2019. You can find all of these on Amazon, and I have provided a link to take you straight there––just click the picture. Hope you enjoy!

#1 Jesus Isn’t A Hipster by Caleb Pierce

I might be a little biased but my hubby’s new book takes the top of the list. This message radically transformed my life last year more than any other book on the list.

“Jesus is not coming back for a church that looks like us. He is coming back for a church that looks like Him.” -Caleb Pierce Share on X

#2 Rooted by Banning Liebscher

I love this book for many reasons! It is a great book for those of you who feel like you are in a season of transition.

“The real question over our lives is not how strong we will begin our race to pursue God’s call, but how strong we will finish it.” -Banning Liebscher Share on X

#3 #Struggles by Craig Groeschel

I cannot say enough great things about this book! Coming from someone who loves social media. This book helps you refocus your attention on Jesus. So good! 

“We were created not to collect followers but to follow Christ.” -Criag Groeschel Share on X



#4 The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

This book is a fiction novel about a senior demon writing to a rookie demon, giving him advice on how to entice the human to turn away from faith. This book gives the reader a view into the spiritual realm, and how demons think. 

A moderated religion is as good for us as no religion at all.” -CS Lewis

#5 E.M. Bounds on Prayer by E.M. Bounds 

I love to read books on prayer, and this one takes the cake. I have read this book twice, and plan to read it again and again. This book will take you on a journey in your prayer life.

“What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use – men of prayer.” -EM Bounds Share on X

#6 My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers 

This is by far my favorite devotional! Chambers has great insight in the scriptures. 

“My worth to God publicly is measured my what I really am in my private life. Share on X

BONUS BOOK: From Hurt To Healing by Mandy Pierce

My mother-in-law just released a new book that is a must read! From Hurt To Healing is for anyone who has experienced church hurt!


I’m always looking for my next read! Leave me a comment and let me know what I should read next.